Monday, February 18, 2013

Small Business Marketing- So What?

How do you see an apple? Is it important? Is it qualified to be a good marketing element? Or is it even a public demand? Well, the answer is that it is not of great importance, nor a very competitive qualifier as a marketing element, neither a public demand. But, it had conquered the whole world and has taken technology hunger to the next level. That one is nearly a suicide for Steve Jobs. The next statement is neither a myth nor a legend; this is reality- Everything starts in small things, thus big things started from small things as Jobs’ apple started from a seed (just kidding). Large firms and companies started from small businesses, tried specific small business marketing strategies which rarely work, and then, there they are, the marketing giants in today’s world.

Some other people see micro businesses or even small businesses as unreflective of the word success, and just choose to live their working lives as employees to employment vacancies available nearby. But these people don’t see the advantages of having your own firm that produces profits which could 100% percent go to your bank account. What I want my readers to digest is start your own business and be more of a help to your community as provider of the basic needs and wake up from that dream that you will make a better life under the unparallel pyramid of employment system.

So what do you think about putting up a business yourself? Yes, it is a tedious one. It involves passion. It involves quality time. It needs care and attention. But it doesn’t require all of these, because in the first place, it is your need and want to pull this through. Business is all about interest, profits, investments, and you wouldn’t have this if you don’t give your business what it needs.

So, you started your business. You chose your marketing area. You have made several marketing arrangements for promotion. What then? Small business marketing is not as plain as that tiled ground in your home or as simple as your hair when you go to your office. It is as complicated as the investigation about the existence of quarks and the digestion of ripe mangoes in your stomach. The point here is that, don’t stop in front of the door when you want to enter the home of blessings. You have to dig treasures out of their holes as you find marketing strategies out of this big wide business world.

So, you failed once, twice, then thrice. So what? You have to remember that business is not a one stop shop. It is an avenue of risks, mistakes, troubles and champions. Maybe, you are not still on that perfect spot to be on the top, but that is temporary, unless you make it permanent by not making a move. Business is not about winning, it’s about losing then winning, losing, then winning, then winning, then winning. It’s always a two-edged sword- it’s up to you how you use those edges as your advantages.

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